SalMarim Awarded "Supplier of the Year" 2022 by "Mesa Marcada"

When, in 2007, the year that João – the first-born of Sandra Madeira and Jorge Raiado - was also born, the couple spent the summer at Sandra´s father´s salt pans in Castro Marim, they could barely imagine that a new venture presented itself on that serene horizon that would bring a new taste to their lives: salt and fleur de sel. 

Enthused by life's pleasures (gastronomy in particular) it wasn't hard for Jorge to see how salt was to become a valuable treasure. Jorge and Sandra then sought to restore a rich heritage in the salt pans it to its former glory via a new fresh approach.

In the end it is said that salt seasons life and this could not be closer to the truth. The flakes of salt and all of the variations that arise from its process of formation are not only inspiring as an activity, they are also extraordinary in their powers: they bring out flavors and bring the most insipid ingredient to life: transforming an everyday dish into something that is really special.

Still curious about Fleur de Sel (and why it's so special)? This article from "Wonder How to" is fantastic.